I realize I must express my personal view on this matter. This invigorates me.īut the most prominent comments concern the names of the characters. But after knowing players’ comments, I do not think my campaigns are terrible. In addition, when initially making campaigns I did not plan to set up cinematic skip triggers (in my opinion this is the core issue with the first four campaigns), since many players have been troubled by this. But I must admit, the four campaigns up until now have more or less contained some detail issues.

For this, I actively signed my campaigns up to be translated. It was a war3 website favoured by map makers. In 2018, a player called Tulee wanted to translate custom campaigns from the Uuu9 website over to hiveworkshop. This is how I came to make custom campaigns. Even though during my self-study period in 2014 I made a few crude Azeroth fanfiction maps (Like the Forsaken v Scarlet Crusade + Burning Legion, Uther’s son, who followed Jaina, leading Humanity to retake Lordaeron), I still wish for my campaigns to be based on an adapted Warcraft Universe, as in this way I could integrate more personal ideas. In 2015 (my second year of middle school), I began the slow process of making a custom campaign. When I was in my first year of middle school (2014), I was influenced by older creators such as Tomoraider and Turnro, and my plan of making my own campaign became firmer.

When I was still a primary school student, I would often fantasize about making my own map. bob, fingolfin, amigurumi, paladinjst, ironmaiden, deucegorgon, el'dragon, kenntaur, kellym0, herrdave, matis, chr2, lyzz_fryzz, jigrael, mad, justicebringer, blazekraze, eagle xi, mister_haudrauf, ghostthruster, remixer, zephyrius2412, plazama019, retera, scias, realistkilla, arnelbigstonepd33r, hayate, ralle, Rightfield, miseracord, will the almighty, daelin, kuhneghetz, general frank, norinrad, epion, jetfanginferno, kitabatake, callahan, splashy5, dojo, lord_t, demon boy, bloody_turds, infrenus, dickxunder, champara bros, hawkwing, assasin_lord, hanza-ru, mephestrial, quech, noypi, thrikodius, supertoinkz, cavman, sellenisko, just_spectating, rama462, proxy, -grendel, peekay, sin'dorei300, wandering soul, power, shyrony, whitedeath, jesushipster, ujimasa hojo, andrewoverload519, eubz, nightskyaurora, kimbo, whitewolf8, kangyun, reflex, horusrogue, darkholme, frlky, 67chrome, daenar7, mc !, link_iceblader, kyzerdrood32, darkfang, crazyrussian, cloudwolf, viiva, bigapple90, mr,goblin, palaslayer, inhuman89, nfwar, hellx-magnus, orthon, m0rbid, zbc, nelsonlaje, marcos DAB, heinvers, ~nightmare, solu9, edge45, murlocologist, ghostthruster, miseracord, taurer, kwaliti, takakenji, proxy, hexus, andrewoverlord519, hawkwing, joysoy, afronight_76, darkholme, kadzhamit, blizzard entertainment, evilwart-dragon, viiva, frlkY, orthon, naserkingarthas, kangyun, sxar, murlocologist, hyunrai, tranquil, princeyaser, yoshiryu, chevronseven, darklord_avalon, evilcryptlord, s4nji, orc1n, mr. Resources in Use by A Song of Dream Chasing | HIVE These are the hiveworkshop resources in use, based on the automatic credit generator: Message from Flower Fairy (creator): This campaign takes some inspiration from Tomoraider and Sclammerz.